Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Please see my last post for the beginning of this discussion.

After posting on that blog, my comment was deleted for no apparent reason. I find it interesting that this individual felt the need to remove this post on the thread. My original one that provoked the conversation is there and he also left up the comments that agreed with him. Censorship at it's best. The comments section on my blog is open for a reason. I want to see what people have to say. The only reason that I would ever remove a comment is if said comment contained something so incredibly inappropriate that I thought for the better of all that it should come down. Then I would post a comment as to why it was removed. I would never remove a comment simply because I don't agree with them or because the proved statements I made to be false. I happen to believe in the first amendment.

Here is a response to my comment and my last comment to this user. I am posting it here because I am sure it will be promptly removed.

August 11, 2009 4:35 PM
Joe said...
Elisabeth, I hope I didn't offend you with my blog. The house bill isn't finished yet, and the Senet hasn't started theirs yet that I know of. The problem is when both the house and senet finish their respected bill, then they have to work out a comprimize, and thats when the Dem leadership will give a deadline, that will make it impossible for anyone to read. I wouldn' be suprised if those new jets weren't hidden in there, and who knows what else. I don't think there is a health CRISES, Health care coverage isn't a right, Those with out it fall in to 3 basic groups, those who don't want it, usally the young, those who are here illeagly who should be sent back to the country they came from, I'm all for leagel immigration, we are all immigrants. and those who want, and need it,but can't get it.I don't see why they can't give the last group voutures to pay, or help pay for their privit insurance, and make them cover excisting conditions, I wouldn't mind paying for that. I was a single parent of 3 for 11years, I know what it's like to take them to the doctor with out insurance. Insurance isn't a freebee, the idea is that you will take less out of it, then you put into it over the life of the policy, like a credit card for medicen, witch is a life saver for anyone with kids. I don't think the insurance companys are evil for making a profit, someone had to put up the money to secure all those policys, why would you put your money somewhere were you have nothing to gain, and everything to lose.

Elizabeth K Wright said...
Joe - No, you did not offend me. You have every right to believe what you do. I just happen to have a differing opinion, which since my comment was removed, is apparently not welcome here. That's a shame. I was hoping for intellectual discourse, not a censorship exercise.

I find this very interesting... More to come if more of the story unfolds.

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