This vandalism occurred roughly a week after Scott was caught in a debate at a very heated town hall meeting on - wait for it - health care reform. Rep. Scott, a fourth term representative from Georgia's 13th district, is a very influential Congressmen, sitting on both the Financial Services Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as others. He also happens to be an African American. On top of this instance of vandalism, Scott has also been receiving hate mail that includes racial slurs and characterizes President Obama as a Marxist.
Now for the good part. You will not believe this. The murmurings from the right wing fringe is that the swastika was a political ploy and was in fact staged by Scott supporters, not by the opposition. The Weekly Standard's John McCormack gave this lunatic theory some street cred by posing this very question. Then, today, on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh said "I don't buy this. This is too convenient...I think the Democrats are doing this themselves."
Oh really?
Why on earth would the Democrats egg on the violent right wing fringe with which, at the rate we are going, violence is imminent by making them think there is one other person on the face of the earth that agrees with not only their stance but also their solution?
Why would someone like Scott, who has lived through so much and overcome so much put himself through the terror of being subjected to this kind of blind hatred at the hands of comrades? To prove a point? I think not.
Rush also said on his show that President Obama staged a town hall meeting yesterday and Democrats are staging town hall meetings all over the place to make it look like more people support them than really do.
Oh really?
Yes, Democrats are holding town hall meetings, but not with the nefarious intentions of the Republican Party. Has it ever dawned on you that we actually might want a real discussion on heath care reform? Of course, you could take a page from David Vitter's (R-LA) book and hold a perfectly peaceful and serene town hall meeting. It helps when you screen attendees and questions first.
Rush also said that no had equated Obama to Hitler and that the entire Nazi discussion was Nancy Pelosi's fault.
Oh really?
I have posted direct quotes and facts earlier in this blog that speak directly to the contrary. Own up to what you have done, Rush. Own up to inciting a mob - yes, I called them a mob - hell bent on using racial slurs and Nazi imagery to scare people into submission. SOH Pelosi only became involved in the Nazi discussion when asked what she was seeing at town halls. She reported seeing protesters with signs with Nazi imagery on them. How on earth does she garner responsibility for the right wing fringe, your disciples, and their poor choices in speech?
Rush, this is bull and you know it.
Yes, really.
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