Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jean Schmidt (R-OH) is a Birther!

OK, if you have a secret, don't tell Jean Schmidt because apparently she can't whisper. At a Labor Day tea party event, Schmidt was caught on camera agreeing with a ranting woman about President Obama being illegitimate because he was not born in this country. (Heavy sigh...) Here we go again...

In July, Schmidt issued a statement saying that she believed President Obama was a citizen. On Labor Day, she told this woman that she agreed with her but the courts didn't. Either Jean has changed her mind very quickly or she is a pandering politician that will say whatever is necessary to whomever she happens to be talking to at the moment. I think it's the latter.

After Think Progress released the tape, Schmidt issued a statement saying, "The President is indeed a Citizen of this country and constitutionally qualified to be President of the United States. I may not agree with his politics but there is no doubt he is the President and has my full respect. The video clip being circulated by some is part of a longer conversation with a woman who was very upset about a number of things. I, in no way, agree with her belief that President Obama is not a citizen of the United States. I did agree with her view that the constitution should be strictly interpreted. I was trying to be kind to a woman who was trying desperately and passionately to express her views. She has the right to her beliefs, no matter how much I disagree with them."

Sounds a lot like back tracking to me...

Schmidt also happens to be the representative for my district and I assure you that I did not vote for her and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she does not get reelected. Who wants to help me?


  1. Something must be affecting your brain, preventing you from understanding the birther's argument -- whether he's a citizen, who knows? ... but is he a natural-born citizen as our Constitution requires?

    He can't possibly be, as his father was not a US citizen. Having more than an ounce of brain matter might help you people understand that. You don't seem to understand what a natural-born citizen is, and the reason for this provision. Try, try, try ... really, it'll be worth the effort for you.
    Cheers! :-)

  2. Hmmm... perhaps you should do some reading before you call someone "affected".

    I do happen to have more than an ounce of brain matter and will not stoop to your level of insults but feel the need to correct your erroneous statement.

    According to the Constitution - The Fourteenth Amendment, adopted in 1868, defines a "Citizen" of the United States, but not necessarily a "natural born Citizen." Its Citizenship Clause provides that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are Citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

    So... let's take this logically....

    President Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Hawaii is a state.

    Therefore, he was born in the United States and is therefore a natural born citizen.

    It has absolutly nothing to do with lineage or heritage. Perhaps if you read up on what you decided to comment on, we could avoid these redundent civic lessons in the future.
