Yes, you read that correctly. The religious right is concerned about the TSA and not in the way you may think. They are afraid that good, straight people are going to be unfairly subjected to searches by homosexual TSA agents.
Peter LaBarbera from the radical right wing religious organization Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has dedicated his life to curing homosexuality. He also said recently "The reality is, most traveling men would not want Barney Frank to pat them down at the airport security checkpoint," LaBarbera said. "Neither would it be fair to assign Ellen DeGeneres to pat down female travelers."
He went on to say that TSA workers should be required to declare their sexual preference so that it can be determined whether or not they are appropriate to perform security checks on passengers.
Apparently, this guy has never flown, or least not lately. A TSA pat down is as sterile as it can be. I was patted down just a week and a half ago and I can honestly say that I couldn't care less if she was a lesbian or a Muslim or a martian or Jewish or any other identifier. TSA agents perform their duties to the best of their abilities and in the most professional manner possible. The job of a TSA agent is to do their best to ensure the safety of passengers and crew. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Is it slightly irritating? Yes. Do I care who pats me down? No.
People like LaBarbera do nothing but incite fear into uneducated people. His accusations are baseless and ridiculous and should be treated as such. We have much bigger problems to worry about.
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