Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rush Limbaugh's Comments Are Disgusting... More So Than Usual

I have been trying to decide how to address this and every time I think about it, my blood pressure raises to dangerously high levels.

This week, Rush made it comparisons between modern day Democrats and the Nazis. I will go on record right now and say that I find him to be absolutely disgusting. Nazism is not a political persuasion to be thrown around lightly. When people do or say something that you do not believe in or agree with, it is not acceptable to compare them to Nazis. It is not acceptable to compare President Obama to Adolf Hitler under any circumstances for any reason.

There are a few people alive today that barely survived the Holocaust. There many people alive today that lost most, if not all, of their family in the Holocaust. I find it to be sick and disgusting that Rush is getting some perverse joy out of exploiting the horror of that time in world history for a gain in ratings.

He said on his radio show Friday, "Isn't it fascinating how no one can have an honest disagreement with statists? How no one can have an honest disagreement with Barack Obama or Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi? Because if you disagree, you're a Nazi." He then went on to say that President Obama was a Nazi because he was pushing for people to get out to local town hall meetings and talk to their representatives about health care reform. He equated the mobilization of these supporters to sending the "brown shirts" out to quash opposition.

Wait. Back up one minute. Your argument is actually that you can't disagree without being called a Nazi and we disagree with you, therefore we are Nazis??????? How does that make any sense????? I cannot believe that people actually listen to this man spew hate and continue to follow him like the Messiah - the term he so lovingly uses for Obama. Have the Republicans never mobilized their supporters to gain leverage on the issue? See my previous post about Recess Rally. In this same rant, he accuses Obama and Democrats of “astroturfing”, which he obviously doesn’t understand the meaning of. Mobilizing actual voting citizens to speak out if they do not agree is not “astroturfing”. “Astroturfing” is the practice of businesses and other corporately interested parties in packing meetings and events with people that are specifically there to act as non-interested parties who are outraged with whatever the meeting is about. The Republicans who endorse the Recess Rally movement are the ones that are “astroturfing”!

In the same interview, he equates Democrats to Nazis again by noting that the Nazi Party were vehement environmentalists. Listening to him actually makes my brain hurt. He cited laws enacted by Hitler on how to humanely cook lobster and then posed the question 'Have you ever heard of a conservative posing legislation like that?' No, frankly I haven't, but then again I have never heard a liberal do it either! Hitler was a vegetarian. Are all vegetarians evil? Hitler was an artist. Are all artists Nazis? This is the most ridiculous argument that I have ever heard.

Earlier in the week, Rush also drew the same connections from Nazi iconography to the new heath care logo. "Obama's health care logo looks damn like the Nazi logo! I'm sorry, but it does! I didn't create either logo, but I have two eyes and I can see!" Then, on his website, he actually posted the two of them next to one another to prove his point. Rush, perhaps this is what you see because this is what you want to see.

People follow this egomaniacal maniac with a fervor that cannot be described in words. His ignorance is unfathomable. The fact that he continues to spew unadulterated hate is amazing to me. People listen to him and actually believe what he has to say. People listen to him and genuinely believe in this garbage. It is a very sad time when the only argument that they can come up with is that the logo looks like the Nazi’s and Obama has “brown shirts” working for him.

I wonder why more and more people are leaving the Republican Party every day? Could it be the fact that they champion people like Rush Limbaugh as a leader? Could it be that people want to hear actual intellectual discussion instead of ignorant, belligerent ranting? Could it be that people are actually starting to pay attention to what is going on in the media and are putting their foot down?

I sincerely hope so.

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